A Heart of Gratitude (Psalm 100)
What God Desires / “A Grateful Heart”
August 7, 2022
Psalm 100
Study Questions
1. Identify at least 3 things for which you are grateful to God. Why?
2. Read Psalm 100 aloud. What characteristics are listed that describe the Lord?
3. What does the psalmist mean in saying that we are to ‘shout joyfully to the LORD’ and ‘serve the LORD with gladness’? How are singing and serving related in this context? What might that look like in the life of a Christ follower? What does it look like in your life?
4. We typically think of gratitude when we think of thanksgiving. However, biblical thanksgiving is closely related to worship and sacrifice. How does this change your understanding of how we express thanksgiving to God?
5. This psalm describes us as “sheep.” What is it about sheep that make this analogy so good when describing God’s people? What does your prayer life look like without thanksgiving?
6. How aware are you of God’s goodness? How often do you mention it in prayer or with others? How is it expressed in worship (both privately and publicly)?
7. With an honest self-inventory, what would change in your life if you took this psalm to heart? What type of plan (daily) can you implement that will help you consistently express praise and gratitude to the Lord through your life?