At Sparta Youth, we are on mission to create resilient disciples of our youth for a lifelong faith in Jesus Christ. 

Senior High Winter Retreat 2025

What is STORIES?
There is a beautiful moment recorded in the scriptures when Jesus called Peter and his brother, Andrew, and the Word tells us that they "left their nets and followed him" (Matt. 4:20). To lay down everything you know is a bold move, but it is exactly what Jesus calls us to do to follow Him. As they followed Him and ministered with Him, their lives became a testimony of who Jesus is, and their stories pointed and compelled people to Jesus.

Having been saved by Christ, each of us also have stories of 'leaving our nets' that are personal, unique, and powerful. God is in the business of using broken people who think they don't have much to offer, and it is He who writes, redeems, and uses our stories for his purpose.

One thing we learn quickly is that our stories matter most when we finally step out of the limelight, and let Jesus take center stage in our lives. You see, all of history is His story, and He brings us into what He is doing for His purpose, His glory, and we get to be part of it!

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13


Ages 6th-8th Grade
7-9pm | Church Gym


Ages 9th-12th Grade
5-7pm | Church Gym

Senior High D-Groups

Senior High D-groups meet weekly and engage our youth students to study the Word and encourage one another in our relationships with Christ.

Freshman Boys (Sparta)
Sophomore Boys (Byram)
Upperclassmen Boys (Sparta)

Freshman Girls (Sparta Church)
Sophomore Girls (Byram)
Upperclassmen Girls (Sparta)

For information on how to get connected with these groups, please email FINN

Sunday CORE Classes

CORE Classes are a 'Sunday School' Bible study hour offered during either our 9am or 10:30am services to dive deeper into the core of God's Word together as the body of Christ.

Junior High | Ages 6th-8th Grade
Curriculum | "Answers in Genesis"
Location | 2nd Floor, Youth Room, Elevator Side

Senior High | Ages 9th-12th Grade
Curriculum | Apologetics
Location | 2nd Floor, Youth Room, Kitchen Side

Meet Our Youth Director

Finn Clifford | [email protected]

Finn was born and raised in South London with his two sisters. After living in Australia for several years, he eventually landed in Sparta, NJ in 2013, and it was then that the Lord started not only calling Him to Himself in salvation, but also to dive headfirst into ministry. Completing his formal training at Lancaster Bible College, Finn is eagerly passionate about evangelism and apologetics, and equipping the Church to live on mission. In 2022, Finn married his lovely bride, Gabby, and together they have collectively served in Sparta Church for nearly 20 years. Finn is also an avid soccer fan, often found cheering for Crystal Palace on a Saturday morning, or out on the field having a "kick about" with his students. Finn's greatest hope is to faithfully serve in building God's kingdom here, seeing as many as God gives come to know the radical, life-changing truth of the gospel, as he did at 20 years old.

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