Becoming Extraordianry Followers of Jesus Christ: #2 Trusting

Feb 18, 2024    Pastor Doug Thuen

1.    Read Matthew 14:22-27. What strikes you about the disciples’ response? How would you have responded? Why? 


2.    Read Matthew 14:28-29. What was it that allowed Peter to experience walking on water? How does this lesson challenge your faith and trust in what the Lord can do?


3.    Read Matthew 14:30-33. Why was Peter frightened? What was the outcome? How did Jesus respond to Peter’s fear? What are some things outside of your control that can cause you to fear and to doubt God’s ability to fulfill His purpose in your life?


4.    Compare the difference between living in fear and living by faith as God’s child.


5.    Compare the difference between having faith that God ‘will’ and having faith that God ‘can’. What faith do we see in the Centurion in Matthew 8:5-10 and in the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10?


6.    What are some ways that we as the church family can practice actively trusting in the Lord’s leading? What is your part in that?


7.    What are some things in your life currently in which you need to actively trust in the Lord’s leading? What does that look like?


8.    Learning from our study, according to verse 33, how can our lives reflect a worshipful response when God does the impossible?