The Right Mindset (Romans 8:3-8)

Jul 14, 2024    Pastor Doug Thuen

Victorious / The Right Mindset

July 14, 2024

Romans 8:3-8

Study Questions

1.    Read Romans 8:3-4. What power does the Law of God have, and at the same time, what is it weak in? 

2.    What does it mean that Jesus was “in the likeness of sinful flesh” and why is this important? (See also Hebrews 2:17.) How did Jesus’ sacrifice “condemn sin in the flesh”? How were the requirements of the Law fulfilled?

3.    Read Romans 8:4-8. What does it mean to set one’s mind on “the things of the flesh”? Give some examples. What does it mean to set one’s mind on “the things of the Spirit”? Give some examples. 

4.    What are the natural consequences or results of these two different mindsets? In other words, where do they lead?

5.    Can a person profess to believe in God and yet be willfully intent on the flesh? What warning do you see here? (See also Titus 1:16.) What difference is there between having my “mind set on the flesh” (Romans 8:5-8) and “doing the very thing that I hate” (Romans 7:14-20)?

6.    Identifying the thirst of your soul is key to finding joy and peace with God. What can you learn from the mistakes of the Israelites in Jeremiah 2:13? 

7.    What do the following passages teach you about willfully pursuing the Spirit and not allowing your flesh to rule in your life? (See Galatians 5:16-25; Philippians 3:15; Colossians 3:2.)