Relentless Love
Hosea: Profound Love | Relentless Love
July 4, 2021
Hosea 11:1-11
Study Questions
1. Who are the people in your life who have expressed genuine love to you? How did they do so?
2. Read Hosea 11:1-4. Identify the ways God’s love was evident to His people. Where in your life can you look back and see God’s love expressed for you in the same ways?
3. Read Hosea 11:5-7. How were the Israelites unfaithful to the Lord? What was the consequence?
4. How do you reconcile the Lord’s love for His people with His rebuke? What passages of Scripture do you treasure to find security and hope in God’s love for you – even when you’ve been unfaithful to Him?
5. Read Hosea 11:8-9. What do you find striking about the love of God here in this passage? What does this teach you about His love for you?
6. Why does the Lord say in verse 9, “I am God and not man”? What message is He saying here?
7. How do you see the Lord’s relentless love in this passage? What other words could you use to describe the Lord’s love for His people? For you?
8. Read Luke 15:11-32. Which son in this story can you identify most with and why? Describe the ways the Lord Jesus has extended His grace and love in your life.
9. What solace do you find from this study? Can you confidently say that you are loved by God and that He has forgiven you of all your sins? Why/why not? (ReadRomans 5:6-11.)
10. How will this study better help you rest in the confidence of the prevailing love of Christ?
Scripture passages for the week:
Monday | 1 John 4:7-17
Tuesday | Romans 5:6-11; Isaiah 44:22
Wednesday | Luke 15:11-32
Thursday | Psalm 136
Friday | Isaiah 43:1-7
Saturday | Colossians 1:12-14