An Unexpected Interruption (Luke 2:1-20)
An Unexpected Interruption
December 11, 2022
Luke 2:1-20
Study Questions
1. Read Luke 2:1-10. What is symbolic about God announcing Jesus’ birth to some of the lowliest members of society? How does God’s message through the angelic hosts to the shepherds relate to Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-55?
2. How can these verses from Luke 2 reassure you when you’re tempted to feel unworthy of God’s love?
3. What did the angel reveal about Jesus’ uniqueness? How would you describe to someone that Jesus is fully divine and fully human?
4. How did the shepherds initially react when the angels appeared to them? Why do you think? How would you have reacted?
5. Read Matthew 2:3-5. How did the shepherds’ reaction to the news of the Messiah’s arrival compare to the religious leaders’ reaction? What is significant about this contrast?
6. Read Luke 2:11-20. What changed in the hearts of the shepherds? Why? Describe a time in your life when God unexpectedly interrupted your plans. Did it turn out for His purpose and glory? How? Discuss examples in the Bible where God interrupts His chosen servant(s) to accomplish His purpose(s) for His glory.
7. What excuses are we tempted to give when the Lord calls us to follow Him in a different/ new direction? How do the following passages help you understand the relationship between man’s plans and God’s sovereign will: Isaiah 14:27; Proverbs 16:9; James 4:13-15?
8. According to Sunday’s message, how can we better discern the voice and leading of God in our lives?