Giving with a Joyful Heart (Mark 10:17-27)
Giving with a Joyful Heart
November 27, 2022
Study Questions
Mark 10:17-27
1. Read Mark 10:17-20. What do we learn about the rich young ruler? Who did the rich man claim Jesus was? What was Jesus’ response? Why?
2. What do you believe was the rich man’s intent when asking his question about inheriting eternal life? How did he respond to Jesus quoting a select few of the Ten Commandments? Why do you suppose Jesus didn’t recite them all?
3. Read Mark 10:21-22. In what was the rich man lacking? What did Jesus ask him to do in order to have treasures in heaven? Why do you think the rich man went away grieved? How would you have responded if Jesus told you the same thing?
4. Read Mark 10:23-27. What is the point Jesus is making here? What makes it difficult for a wealthy (or poor) person to enter the kingdom of God? What did God do to provide salvation for us that is impossible for us to do ourselves? See also Romans 3:32-26; 8:3; Ephesians 2:8-9.
5. What does it truly mean to follow Jesus? What does this passage teach us about discipleship?
6. Where in your life do you need to ‘let go of’ something(s) in order to follow Jesus with all your heart?
7. How do the following passages (in addition to our main text) help you to be generous in giving of your resources with joy this season rather than sadness? See also: Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8; Psalm 146:7-9; Matthew 6:19-21, 31-32.