Forever Family (Romans 8:12-17)
“Forever Family”
Guest Speaker: Dan Syvertsen
Romans 8:12-17
Study Questions
1. Read Romans 8:12-17. What obligation do followers in Christ have?
2. According to verse 13, what does it mean to live according to the flesh? How do I put to death the deeds of the body?
3. What identity are we promised by choosing a life of being led by the Spirit? What does that look like in your life practically?
4. Identify the key differences between being a slave and being a child. From what are followers of Christ set free? How is this realized in your faith in Christ?
5. Read Exodus 16:2-3. Why would the Israelites rather have remained slaves in Egypt than been freed from bondage by following God? What fears do you have that rob you from trusting God as your ‘Father’? See also Hosea 11:1-2.
6. How can the Lord be Judge and King and also be our Father?
7. What does it mean to be an heir of a family? What promises and benefits come with being heirs of God? How can it be that Christ is our Creator, and yet we are co-heirs of God with Him? See also Colossians 1:15-20.
8. According to this passage, how could your daughter become your sister also, and your son become your brother?
9. How can you step outside of your circle and extend godly fellowship to someone in the body of Christ other than your usual friend group?