A Generous Heart

Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Doug Thuen

A Generous Heart

October 20, 2024

Study Questions

2 Corinthians 9:6-12

1.        What do you think is the greatest inhibitor of generosity in today’s culture? 

2.        What principle is taught for the Church in 2 Corinthians 9:6?

3.        Give examples of what it means to ‘sow sparingly’ and ‘sow bountifully’. What are the outcomes of each according to this text? What does this teach us about the Lord? 

4.        According to 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, what must a person have before they can understand generosity? See also Matthew 6:21.

5.        According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, describe what a ‘cheerful giver’ looks like. What does it mean to give ‘grudgingly’ or ‘under compulsion’? Have you ever experienced this feeling? Explain.

6.        According to 2 Corinthians 9:8-12, what does the Lord promise to those who are generous with their gifts? What are the blessings that come with the giving of your resources generously? 

7.        Do you find it hard to talk about this topic of giving in church? Why/why not? What holds you back in sharing your resources with the church? With others in need?

8.        As you examine your heart, what does it take for you to be generous with your time, treasures, and talents? Bring those thoughts to the Lord in prayer.