Godly Gratitude: True Thankfulness for Jesus (Luke 7:36-50)
1. What was something you got out of Pastor Luke’s message from Sunday?
2. Read Luke 7:36-50. What stood out to you?
3. Why did Simon the Pharisee invite Jesus to his house?
4. What are some of the things you would expect him to do when Jesus came over to his house that he didn’t do? What does that say about him?
5. How does Jesus respond to all Simon’s insults? What does that tell you about Jesus?
6. Let’s look at the sinful woman. What does she do to express her love for Jesus? From a human perspective, what is shocking about her actions?
7. In response to his complaining, Jesus tells Simon a story. He’s evangelizing Simon at this moment. How does this story turn upside down Simon’s normal approach to religion? In other words, what was Simon missing?
8. How can we relate to Simon the Pharisee? How do we ‘fix’ this??
9. How can we be more like the sinful woman during this Thanksgiving season?
10. How can we pray for each other in thanksgiving?