Living as "Lights in the World"
Jul 26, 2020 • Chuck Wampler
Living as Lights in the World!
Philippians 2: 12 - 18
Life Group Questions
1) How do you describe your role in working out your Salvation? v12
2) How do you describe God’s role in working out your Salvation? v13
(compare Ephesians 2:10)
3) How do you describe/define “God’s good pleasure”? v13b
4) What is the impact on our lives to “grumbling” about or “questioning” this working of God in our lives as seen in verse 13? v14
5) How do you hold forth the “Word of Life”? v16
6) How has social media helped the spread of the Gospel?
7) Has social media hindered the spread of the Gospel?
8) Are you living as a “light” as described in v15?