More Important Than An Impressive Resume
The Pursuit of Joy / “More Valuable Than An Impressive Resume”
August 9, 2020
Life Group Study Questions
Philippians 3:1-11
1. Read Philippians 3:1-3. Describe the warning that Apostle Paul gave the church in Philippi. What was his concern?
2. In verses 4-6 what is Paul’s argument here? Why does he raise up all of his heritage, reputation, and accomplishments–was he boasting?
3. Read verses 7-8. Paul identifies all of the things spoken of in vs.4-6 as loss compared to gaining Christ. Why did he consider them all a loss? What is the danger of claiming Christ and putting confidence in your deeds at the same time?
4. Now read verse 9. Describe the difference between a righteousness of my own and the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. Is there any such thing as a righteousness of my own in God’s eyes? (See Isaiah 64:6and Romans 2:28-29.)
5. What tempts you to find your identity as a Christian in your accomplishments and achievements more than with simply knowing Christ?
6. According to verses 10-11, Paul’s aim was to know Christ 1) in the fellowship of His sufferings 2) in the power of His death and 3) in the power of His resurrection. How can you identify with each of those areas in your faith?
7. How does this passage challenge your daily faith walk?