You Are My Witnesses
When In Rome | You Are My Witnesses
September 13, 2020
Life Group Study Questions
Acts 1-2:41
1. What does it mean to be an eyewitness? Describe how the disciples were witnesses of Jesus (Acts 1:8)?
2. What was it like to live in a Roman society in the first century? (See Romans 1:28-32.) How were Christians to stand out from the crowd in that society, and what were the repercussions? Are they similar today? How/how not?
3. If the Christians in the early church were peaceful, practicing unconditional love and forgiveness, why were they perceived as a threat to the Romans?
4. What makes it difficult for you to live your life honoring Christ in this culture?
5. Who did God use in your life to lead you to a saving faith in Jesus? Be specific–was it their words, their actions, or both?
6. Evaluate and identify any actions/behaviors in your life that would jeopardize your integrity as a Christ follower. How does God’s Word speak to those things specifically? What action do you need to take in order to be a better ‘witness’ for Christ?
7. God has given every Christ follower a unique story of how they came to receive the gift of salvation. Share your story with others in the group. Pray that the Lord will give you an opportunity to be a witness for Him in sharing your story this week with someone else.