King Uzziah: The 'I Know What I'm Doing' Syndrome (2 Chronicles 26)
King Uzziah: The “I Know What I’m Doing” Syndrome
October 30, 2022
2 Chronicles 26
Study Questions:
1. Read 2 Chronicles 26:1-15. Identify the qualities that you admire about King Uzziah. What things did he accomplish? Why was he so prosperous (verse 5)?
2. Read 2 Chronicles 26:16-21. What was Uzziah’s downfall? What was his root problem and what was the cause (verse 16)? When have you been tempted to struggle for the same reasons?
3. Why do you think Uzziah believed it was acceptable for him to enter into the Temple of the Lord when he clearly knew the Law of Moses (cf. Numbers 3:10)? In what ways are we too presumptuous in the way that we approach the Lord today? Why?
4. Read the following characteristics of a proud heart. Discuss where you see any of these in Uzziah’s actions, and in your own.
a. A proud heart derives from forgetting the depravity of man in light
of the holiness of God.
b. A proud heart believes you have special dispensation before God
above others.
c. A proud heart will deflect responsibility and blame others for failure.
d. A proud heart is convinced that you are irreplaceable.
5. Is it wrong for Christians strive for success? What criteria should we use to measure success? How can you keep yourself from becoming conceited or arrogant, particularly when you’ve experienced success or blessing from the Lord?
6. How did Jesus define humility and how did He model it for us? (See also Luke 14:7-11; Ephesians 4:2-6; Philippians 2:3-8.)
7. What’s the difference between being humble and putting yourself down? How should you respond when someone compliments you for something you have done well?
8. In Stuart Scott’s booklet, From Pride to Humility, he provides a personal inventory quiz. Click on the link to take the quiz and see how you score:
9. Extra Credit: identify someone (a believing spouse, friend, family member – someone who is safe to you) and ask them where they see you struggle with a prideful heart.