King Josiah: Breaking Generational Sins (2 Kings 22-23)
King Josiah: Breaking Generational Sin
November 6, 2022
2 Kings 22-23
Study Questions
1. Read 2 Kings 21:1-15. Describe the spiritual climate of Judah under the reign of King
Manasseh. What was the result of their practices? What does this teach us about the
character of God?
2. Read 2 Kings 22:1-13. What do we learn about the character and heart of King Josiah?
What strikes you about his age? Why? How might he have been impacted at an early
age by the sins of his father, Amon, and grandfather, Manasseh?
3. How did he respond to the reading of the Law of God? Why? What does that tell you
about Josiah compared to his fathers?
4. Read 2 Kings 23:1-25. How did King Josiah restore Judah back to true worship with the Lord? What hope does this give you in breaking from the sinful patterns of the
generations before you?
5. To what degree does the Lord hold generations accountable for the sins of those who hate Him? Is there hope in breaking free from being accountable to those sins?
Compare Exodus 20:4-6 and Ezekiel 18:14-21. How has the Lord Jesus Christ brought
you hope in light of these passages? See Romans 6:8-13; Hebrews 1:3; 1 Corinthians 6:9-
6. Take a look at your own life – your family background – your past. What were some
unhealthy sin patterns that you have had to break away from? Are you still struggling
with ‘the sins of the fathers’ as a result of your past? What are you doing about it?
Where are you turning to overcome those struggles?
7. Have you had a healthy godly example of how to follow the Lord Jesus from your
parents and the generations before you? How has that impacted your faith walk with
the Lord today?
8. Read 2 Chronicles 33:10-18. How might Manasseh’s repentance have influenced Josiah’s life? What hope and encouragement do you have as a result of Manasseh’s heart change?
9. Read 2 Kings 22:2 and 23:25. According to these verses, summarize what decisions
Josiah made in order to overcome his past. What hope and encouragement do you have as a result of his decisions?