Elijah: Living Biblical Principles in Unbiblical Times (1 Kings 17 - 19)
Nov 13, 2022 • Pastor Chuck Wampler
1 Kings 17 - 19
“Elijah: Living Biblical Principles in Unbiblical Times”
Life Group Questions
1) Can you relate to the behavior of Elijah?
2) Where do you turn in times of discouragement? What Bible verses provide encouragement?
3) How did you respond to opposition or a difficult situation lately?
4) What do you do when you get tired and feel like giving up?
5) Does the Biblical narrative about Elijah encourage you? Discourage you? How?
6) How do you think you would have responded if you would have experienced God’s communication as Elijah in 19:11-12?
7) Imagine your life is coming to an end as Elijah knew (II Kings2:9), what would you like to say? What changes might you make in the way you are living now?