King Asa: How Not To Finish Well (2 Chronicles 14-16)
King Asa: How Not to Finish Well
September 25, 2022
2 Chronicles 14-16
Study Questions
1. Read 2 Chronicles 16:9. As a theme verse for this study, what does this verse teach us about the character of God? Describe in your own words what it means to be ‘fully committed’ to the Lord?
2. Read 2 Chronicles 14. What do we learn about King Asa? How did he break out of the destructive patterns of his family? What dysfunctional patterns have you had to break from in order to live as a follower of Jesus? How has the Lord given you victory over them?
3. What do you attribute to the success of Judah’s defeating King Zerah of Ethiopia? What were the ‘odds’? Identify some of the recent ‘battles’ in your life that the Lord has overcome on your behalf.
4. Read 2 Chronicles 15. What promise & warning did the Lord give to King Asa through the prophet Azariah? What did the Lord require from King Asa? What was his response along with the people of Judah? Describe what this looks like in your life today.
5. Read 2 Chronicles 16. What do you believe happened in King Asa’s life/heart for him to turn to the King of Aram instead of turning to the Lord for protection from King Baasha (Israel)? Why did the Lord strike King Asa with a disease to his feet? What was Asa’s response?
6. Read Revelation 2:1-7. What similarities can you draw between King Asa and the Church of Ephesus?
7. What do you need to do in your life in order to ‘finish well’ before the Lord? See also: 2 Timothy 4:7-8; 1 Corinthians 9:23-27; Hebrews 12:1-3.