Overshadowed By God's Glory (Mark 9:1-13)
Following Jesus / “Overshadowed by God’s Glory”
March 26, 2023
Mark 9:1-13
Study Questions
1. Describe how Jesus has transformed your life. What has changed? How has the course of your life been altered?
2. Read Mark 9:1-13. What was the primary purpose of the transformation of Jesus before Peter, James, and John? Contextually, why did Mark place this in-between the events of chapter 8 and the chapters that follow?
3. What strikes you about the physical effects of Christ’s glory on His garments? Was it a glory given, or a glory revealed? Why?
4. What was the significance of the presence of Moses and Elijah? See also: Matthew 5:17; Luke 9:31. Why do you think Peter responded in the way that he did?
5. Read Mark 9:7, Exodus 19:9 and 40:34. In these accounts we read that the presence of God came in a cloud. In Exodus, God used the cloud to guide, protect, and speak to Israel. What then do you think is the significance of God speaking from the cloud in this passage?
6. Read 2 Corinthians 3:18 and Romans 12:1-2. The Holy Spirit works in us through the Word of God to transform us – discuss what impact this has on believers.
7. Discuss the connection between Elijah and John the Baptist. See also: 1 Kings 19:1-5; Mark 6:21-25; Matthew 17:12-13.
8. What are some practical ways to a) remind yourself of the glory of Jesus and b) to listen more to Jesus each day this week?
Further Study:
1. What do we learn about the glory of heaven from this account? What does that mean to you?
2. What ‘earthly glory’ competes in your heart for the glory of Christ?
3. What are some areas that you would like to see the Gospel transform your life? IE: relationships, goals, health, or spiritual transformation?