Following the Humble King (Mark 11:1-11)
Following Jesus / Following the Humble King
April 2, 2023
Mark 11:1-11
Study Questions
According to Mark 11:1-6, why did Jesus instruct His disciples to bring Him the colt? (See also Matthew 21:4-5.)
What is significant about Jesus entering Jerusalem riding upon a colt, rather than riding upon a great war horse? (See Zechariah 9:9.)
Read Mark 11:7-10. How do the people respond to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and why?
What is the significance of the palm branches? What did the people exclaim, and why? (Look up these passages also: 2 Samuel 7:12-13; Isaiah 11:1-4; Psalm 118:19-29.)
In what way is Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem the beginning of the end of a long journey? What significance do you think there is in Jesus entering the Temple as He entered the city of Jerusalem?
From what you know of other portions of Scripture, and from what else occurred during the week leading up to Jesus’ death, what kind of Messiah do you think the people wanted and expected? What kind of savior do people want today – what do they want relief from? How does Jesus exceed those expectations?
We know from this account of Palm Sunday that many people missed the true significance of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. In what ways might we miss the true significance of worshipping Jesus when we gather on Sundays?
Read John 13:13-17. What applications can you draw from this event – and from Palm Sunday - specifically regarding Christ’s humility? What does that look like as you follow Jesus by faith this week?