I Believe in the Resurrection (Mark 12:18-27)
Following Jesus / “I Believe in the Resurrection”
May 28,2023
Mark 12:18-27
Study Questions
1. Read Mark 12:18-27. Who were the Sadducees and what was their intent in approaching Jesus?
2. Why did they question Jesus about marriage in heaven? What was Jesus’ response?
3. Jesus’ teaching on the resurrection reveals to us that there will not be marriage in heaven. Is this new information to you? If you are married or single, have you made an idol of marriage? How does this truth challenge you?
4. Read 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, Philippians 1:23 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. What are the implications of the spiritual resurrection of the saints and the bodily resurrection of the saints? In what order do they occur?
5. Which words that Jesus said in Mark 12:27 would be terrifying if they were spoken to you? How does this impact you?
6. What is Jesus’ point in quoting Exodus 3:6? Why should that have been persuasive enough for the Sadducees? Do you or anyone you know reject the Bible’s teaching of the resurrection of the saints? What arguments are given? How can you respond to them?
7. What will eternity be like for those who have trusted and followed Jesus as their personal Savior? See Philippians 3:20-21; Revelation 21:1-7. What will eternity be like for those who reject Christ? See Revelation 21:8.
8. How does this study impact the way you will face the challenges of this week? What hope can you hold to that will bring courage?