The Receptivity of the Heart (Mark 4:1-20)
Following Jesus / “The Receptivity of the Heart”
April 16, 2023
Mark 4:1-20
Study Questions
Read Mark 4:1-20. What is the setting? Who was present? Why did Jesus speak in parables (verses 10-12; Isaiah 6:9-10)?
Re-read verse 3. How does Jesus get His listeners’ attention? Why was it so imperative to Jesus that they heard His message?
Jesus explains the parable to His disciples. What is the ‘seed’? Who is the sower and what responsibility does that person have? What do the types of soil represent?
Describe in your own words the difference between the four types of soil. Which one best describes your receptivity to the Word of God? Why?
Why do you think Jesus emphasized the fruit produced in the good soil? What does the fruit represent?
Who did the Lord use to ‘sow’ the seed of the Word of God in your life? According to this passage, what responsibility do you have as a Christ-follower? What are some hurdles that you struggle with in pouring into others with the gospel? What advice would you have for someone who struggles with those hurdles?