I am the Resurrection and the Life
Believe / I Am the Resurrection and the Life
January 17, 2021
John 11:1-46
Study Questions
1. What kind of relationship did Jesus have with Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha? (See John 11:3 & 5.)
2. How long did Jesus linger after learning that Lazarus was ill? Does this make sense? Why did Jesus choose not to go immediately to see Lazarus? (Read John 11:4.)
3. Where has it felt like God was waiting, but looking back you can see that His good timing matured your faith and trust in Him? How did it benefit you and/or the lives of others? (See also Isaiah 55:8-11 and Romans 5:3-5.)
4. When Jesus arrived in Bethany, how long had Lazarus been dead and why is this significant? At this point, what were peoples’ expectations when Jesus told them to remove the stone?
5. Read John 11:4, 11, 23, and 40. How many times did Jesus allude to the fact that He would raise Lazarus before the miracle took place?
6. Jesus’ claim and promise here is not just for Martha, but for all people at all times. Compare your spiritual life to the story of Lazarus. Where are you right now – still in the grave, watching the stone being rolled away, alive but still in the grave clothes, or alive and unwrapped? Explain.
7. What hope do these words from our Lord Jesus bring you? “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even if he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)