Responding Not Reacting (1 Chronicles 12:32)
Dec 3, 2023 • Chuck Wampler
I Chronicles 12:32
“Responding Not Reacting!”
Life Group Questions
1) Considering the context of chapters 10, 11, & 12 what is the significance of the information about the tribes in chapter 12?
2) Put “understanding” (ESV) in your own words.
3) Put “ought to do” (ESV) in your own words.
4) How would you draw the connection between “understanding” and “ought to do”?
5) What application do you see to the days we are living in?
6) What connection do you make between “understanding and I Peter 3:15?
7) How do you allow the results of I Chronicles 12:32 or I Peter 3:15 to be in God’s hands?