A Psalm of Thanksgiving (Psalm 100)

Nov 26, 2023    Chuck Wampler

Psalm 100

“A Psalm of Thanksgiving!”

Life Group Questions

1) Verse five seems to share some of the characteristics of God. How would you put this verse in your own words?

2) In verse five do you see three characteristics of God? Describe/explain.

3) Do you see thanksgiving in verses one and two? Describe/explain.

4) What does “joyful noise” (v1 ESV) and “gladness” (v2 ESV) mean to you?

5) What is the message in verse three? Do you see security?

6) Verse four brings a proper response to the provisions of verse three. What does this look like in your life?

7) Summarize in a sentence or two Psalm 100.