Faith That Amazes God (Luke 7:1-10)

Mar 12, 2023    Dan Sered

What are you currently asking God for?

Where are you lacking faith?

Do you agree that limiting your faith in God is detrimental? How so?

Where have you seen God do “abundantly more” in your life? (Eph. 3:20)

If you lived as if you really could rely on God in full faith, what would change in your current life/perspective/evangelism/testimony/ect.? How would you react to situations? How would you react to situations in your kid’s or family’s lives? Would you feel more confident to “attempt great things for God” and encourage them to do the same? (Carey)

Has there been a time when you’ve limited God, and then saw Him be faithful regardless?

Do you notice your faith grow when you spend diligent time with the Lord in His word and in prayer?

If you notice a lack of faith(in general or in a specific situation), what do you think is feeding that lack? What is feeding that doubt?