The Cost (Philippians 3:7-14, Romans 1:18-21)

Oct 29, 2023    Doug Thuen

Sermon-Based Life Group Questions (10/29/23):

What has following Jesus cost you (or if not, what are you scared it might)?

Who in your life or in scripture do you admire for their zeal in following Jesus, regardless of the cost? What did they cling to?

Read Luke 14:26-33

What are the areas in life where you did or didn’t “count the cost” to follow Christ?

How has hindsight justified your choice?

Think back to the Wedding Scene, what are some of the things we take our eyes off of Jesus for?

What do you fear neglecting if Christ were more important in your daily life?

For example, what fear stops you:

From starting and ending each day in His Word?

From pausing a decision until you have taken time in prayer over it?

From taking a Biblical stance at work in business decisions?

From declaring Sunday after Church “plan free”?

What are the “white knuckle” things in your life you struggle to hold with an open hand to be changed or taken by God?

Who in your life doesn’t follow Jesus? Share who they are.

Will you pray for them?

Will you take the opportunities to talk with and more importantly listen to them?

Will you share (should the opportunity arise) how you have weighed the cost of following Jesus?