How To Get Ready For The Lord’s Table

Nov 3, 2024    Pastor Jack Kroeze


1 Corinthians 11:17 – 34

Week of November 3rd


1.)    Read 1 Corinthians 11:17 – 34


2.)    What is the main point of Paul’s teaching in these verses? Notice what he says in verse 17. 


3.)    In verse 18 Paul speaks of divisions among those gathering. Can you remember what Paul taught in other passages about divisions in the church? See 1 Corinthians 1:10 – 12; Romans 16:17


4.)    What does it mean in verse 20 that they meet together not to eat the Lord’s Supper?  Isn’t that why they met together?


5.)    Of the cautions given in this text which one do you struggle with: disunity/divisions (v. 18); selfishness (v. 21)? Why would Paul be so concerned with these attitudes when it comes to the Lord’s Table? 


6.)    Paul says “…your meetings do more harm than good…”. When would our meetings at Sparta EFC do more harm than good? 


7.)    How does Matthew 15:8 & 9 speak to us about preparing to be together as a church?


8.)    Paul notes in verse 28 that we can take the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy way.  What is an unworthy manner? What is a worthy manner?


9.)    What are some practical ways that you can prepare yourself for partaking of communion, the Lord’s Supper?