Putting Sabbath In It’s Place (Mark 2:23 - 3:6)
Read Mark 2:23 - 28
1. What accusation did the Pharisees level at Jesus (v. 24)? Were they accurate in saying that the disciples were breaking the Sabbath? See Deuteronomy 23:24,25
2. How does Jesus reply? What does He refer to? How does this instruct us how to handle questions we might be asked?
3. What does Mark 2:27 & 28 tell us about the Sabbath?
Read Mark 3:1 - 6
1. What do we learn in Mark 3:1 - 6 about the Pharisees character/heart? What do we learn about Jesus character?
2. What is the difference between God's intention for the Sabbath and how man kept it (vv. 4 & 5)?
3. What lessons can we learn about how we are to view the Sabbath?
4. What 2 emotions does Jesus show in response to their silence in 3:5? What does this tell us about His attitude towards sinners?
5. What evidence of faith do you see in the man with the withered hand?
6. In what way is this passage not so much about what we should do or not do on the Sabbath, as it is about who Jesus is?
7. In what ways is Jesus our Sabbath rest?