City on a Hill
City on a Hill
May 24, 2020
Life Group Study Questions
Matthew 5:14-16
1. How do people react when they find out you are a Christian? How does that reaction affect the way you bring up your faith in conversation?
2. Read Matthew 5:14-16. What is Jesus referring to when He speaks of the “darkness” in the world? What evidence of darkness do you see in the world today?
3. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World.” (John 8:12) What did He mean by that? How are His followers then also the “light of the world”? (Matthew 5:14)
4. Define the difference between human moralism and genuine faith? How does this apply to Matthew 5:16? In other words, what does it mean to “Let your light shine”?
5. What are people supposed to see in our lives? What happens when they see it?
6. How is the Holy Spirit speaking to you through this passage? What needs to change in order for others to see Jesus in you this week?