Praising God in Troubled Times
Solid Ground: Declaring Praise in Troubled Times
May 17, 2020
Life Group Study Questions:
Habakkuk 3:17-19
1. What are some creative ways to worship Jesus while we’re not able to meet together publicly yet due to COVID-19?
2. What makes it so hard to praise the Lord in a difficult time? When do you find it hardest to give God praise?
3. Read Habakkuk 3:17-19. What enabled Habakkuk to praise the Lord even in a time of desperation?
4. Describe the difference between exultation and rejoicing in verse 18.
5. In verse 18, Habakkuk declares that he willfully will give praise to the Lord. What does that teach us about worship in general? When do our emotions have a part in worship? When can they be misleading?
6. How are you able to rejoice in your salvation? Describe what that looks like.
7. What does worshipping the Lord Jesus look like when someone experiences loss, fear, or anger? What truth and hope does verse 19 give you no matter what you may be going through?