How to Pray in Uncertain Times
SOLID GROUND | How to Pray in Uncertain Times
April 26, 2020
Life Groups Study Questions
Psalm 90:1-17
Psalm 90 teaches us three important dynamics of prayer before we ask God for something. We acknowledge the sovereignty of God (v.1-2), acknowledge the frailty of man (v.3-6), and acknowledge His authority and our need of Him (v.7-12). Then our hearts are prepared to come and make these requests:
Help me (v.12)
Save me (v.13)
Satisfy me (v.14-15)
Show me (v.16)
Bless me (v.17)
1. HELP ME. Read Psalm 90:12, and Ephesians 5:15-16.
In light of God’s authority over all things and our need of Him, how can we be sure we are making the most of our days here on earth?
In this season of unusual schedules, what do you miss terribly? What do you not miss at all? How was your time being well-spent, and what is God showing you that was not making the most of your time before Him?
2. SAVE ME. Read Psalm 90:13, Matthew 15:12-28, and Proverbs 17:12.
What can we learn from the Syrophoenician woman’s persistence? How does her persistence for healing contrast to a fool’s persistence in holding on to his foolish entanglements?
Where have you seen Jesus rescue you from things outside of your control, like the woman’s daughter? Where have you seen Jesus rescue you from your own sin and foolishness?
3. SATISFY ME. Read Psalm 90:14-15 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.
The Psalmist cries out to the Lord that His lovingkindness would bring deep satisfaction, even in the midst of affliction from God. How have you seen God supply His lovingkindness even in His discipline? Where have you experienced joy as the result of His discipline?
How about in affliction He has allowed–where have you received joy to satisfy even in your weakness? Where do you need to surrender to His working in your life?
4. SHOW ME. Read Psalm 90:16 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Look outside, or look up pictures from your favorite place in the world. Where do you see the physical glory of the Lord in His creation?
How can we see His glory in us as Image-bearers? Where do we see His glory in our transformation from the old to the new spiritually?
Lastly, where do our children have the opportunity to see God’s glory at work in our lives? How can we be a testament to His work before them?
5. BLESS ME. In closing, read Psalm 90:17.
“Give permanence to the work of our hands.” What are the dangers of seeking God’s blessing for selfish gain? How can you most glorify God in your labors?