Facing Your Fears
SOLID GROUND | Facing Your Fears
April 19, 2020
Life Group Study Questions
Mark 4:35-41
1. What were some of the things that frightened you when you were younger? Are you still afraid of those things? Why/why not?
2. Read Mark 4:35-41. Why were the disciples fearful on the boat in the storm after witnessing all the miracles that Jesus had done thus far? What does that tell you about our human nature?
3. What lesson did Jesus teach the disciples by sleeping on the boat in the storm? Describe a fearful time in your life when you felt that Jesus was sleeping–how was your faith evident and/or lacking during that time?
4. Explain the difference between “head knowledge” and “active faith”. Which did the disciples display during the storm?
5. Identify the promises of God in the following passages:
Psalm 3:1-8; Psalm 37:18-28.
6. Pastor Doug identified 4 biblical principles that help overcome our fear:
a. Remember what God has done in the past.
b. Affirm your identity in Christ.
c. Rest in God’s promises.
d. Choose courage.
Discuss how each of them applies to what you fear today, and purpose to put them into practice this week!