How to Be the Church in Uncertain Times
Solid Ground: “How to Be the Church in Uncertain Times”
May 3, 2020
Life Group Study Questions
Colossians 4:2-6
1. What have you missed most about church during this Coronavirus lockdown the past several weeks?
2. What are the greatest needs you see around you that make you feel helpless during this season of self-quarantine?
3. Read Colossians 4:2-6. How do Paul’s circumstances help you apply the main points of the passage?
4. How would you describe your prayer life? How would you like it to be different?
5. What does verse 5 mean when it calls you to ‘act wise toward outsiders’? What opportunities was Paul referring to?
6. Read Ephesians 4:29. How are those around you affected by the things/words you say and the tone in which you say them? What needs to change in order for your speech to be ‘seasoned with salt’?
7. How can you be more prepared in praying for and being prepared for bringing the hope you have in Jesus to others this week?