"Stop Giving! We've Got Too Much!"
The Journey | Stop Giving, We’ve Got Too Much!
November 14, 2021
Exodus 35-36
Study Questions
1. Read Exodus 35:4-19. How do you reconcile the fact that God commanded the
contribution to be made (verse 4) with the fact that responding to His command was a
function of each person’s heart attitude (according to verse 5)?
2. Now read verses 20-29.
a. According to these verses, who participated in the contribution?
b. In verse 21, the donors mentioned are everyone whose hearts were stirred and
whose spirits were willing. Find at least three more verses (in v.20-29) that
mention the people’s willingness of heart.
c. Why was the people’s willingness important–what captivated their hearts?
d. What has moved your heart to give financially to something in the past, and how
similar does that situation seem to the situation described in Exodus 35?
3. Identify the different kinds of offerings listed in verses 20-29. What does this teach us
about a biblical perspective on giving and stewardship?
4. In 2 Corinthians 9:6, Paul mentions a proverb about sowing and reaping.
a. What does the proverb mean?
b. What does it mean to reap sparingly, and conversely, to reap bountifully?
c. What is Paul suggesting the Corinthians will reap: personal gain, a good
reputation, or something other?
d. What do you find challenging about this concept?
5. What parallels can be drawn between Exodus 35:20-29 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-8? What
differences do we see? Which of those two situations seem more relevant to you
personally? Discuss.
6. What does God love about a cheerful giver, do you think? What does cheerfully giving
reflect about a person’s relationship with God? Why?
7. Read Exodus 36:1-7.
a. What do you find remarkable about the message shared with God’s
people? What does this tell you about their generosity?
b. Can you think of an example when you’ve experienced this type of joyful
c. What would need to exist (or change, if anything) for a church family to
experience this same amount of joyful surrender?
d. What would need to change in order for you personally to experience this kind of
joyful surrender?