Faith Lessons From Gideon
Oct 10, 2021
Judges 7:1-9
Faith Lessons From Gideon
Life Group Questions
1) What thoughts come to your mind when you hear Gideon's name?
2) What do verses 6:11-13 reveal about Gideon's mindset?
3) What is God's view of Gideon in 6:12?
4) How do you relate the two perspectives presented of Gideon, "man of valor" v12 and the weakness described in v15?
5) Can you relate to Gideon's request for confirmation in 6:36-40?
6) What is the lesson from 7:1-8?
7) Reading Judges chapters 6 through 8 about Gideon, are you encouraged to see his name in Hebrews 11:32? Why?