The Heart of Gracious Leaders
The Journey: The Heart of Gracious Leaders
December 5, 2021
1 Chronicles 29:1-18
Study Questions:
1. How have you seen God work in your life over the last few weeks as a result of our study on biblical stewardship?
2. Read 1 Chronicles 29:1-9. According to verse 1, what were the reasons David gave on
why he began to collect for the building of the Temple?
3. Was David’s example of generosity important to the leaders of Israel? Why/why not? In the same way, how was the generosity of the leaders impactful to the general assembly of Israel? How does this play out in the local church without coming across as boastful or bragging. Compare this with what Jesus said in Matthew 6:2-4.
4. How are you encouraged by the generosity of David and the leaders of Israel?
5. In what ways does the Lord Jesus call His church to be generous with their belongings?
6. Based on our study of biblical stewardship the last several weeks, describe the
difference between ‘fund-raising’ and ‘free-will giving’.
7. Read 1 Chronicles 29:10-20. What lessons do we learn about stewardship from David’s prayer? How does this encourage you to trust in the Lord’s provision for your needs? And, how does this passage encourage you to be generous with the resources the Lord Jesus has entrusted to you?