What Have You Got to Lose?
The Journey / What Have You Got To Lose?
September 19,2021
Luke 9:18-25
Study Questions
1. Describe a decision you chose to make in your life that was very costly, but brought an invaluable return?
2. What two questions did Jesus ask His disciples in verses 18-20?
3. How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ questioning? How would you respond to these questions?
4. What is the meaning of Peter’s answer (Luke 9:20)?
5. Why do you think that Jesus wanted to keep their understanding quiet? What did Jesus say would happen to Him (Luke 9:21-22)?
6. Read Luke 9:23-24. What does it mean to take up your cross? What does that look like in the universal church? In the local church? In your daily life?
7. Read Luke 9:24-25. How does a person’s response to losing your life for Jesus determine the answer to the first 2 questions Jesus asked in verses 18-20?
8. In what ways are you challenged to lose your life today in order to gain knowing Jesus more? (For further study see also Philippians 2: 7-11.)