Faith Walk
The Journey / “Faith Walk”
October 3, 2021
Proverbs 3:5-6
Study Questions
1. What does ‘trusting in the Lord’ look like in your current season of life? Do you find that hard or easy? Why/why not?
2. Read Proverbs 3:5-6. This word of godly wisdom teaches us that we shouldn’t
trust in our own understanding. Are there certain areas where you are particularly
tempted to trust your own ideas rather than God’s ideas? When do you find yourself wanting to trust your own instincts against what you know scripture says?
3. How did Jesus model trusting the Father? (Look up John 4:34, 6:38, Luke 22:42, Philippians 2:8, and 1 Peter 2:21-24.)
4. What is promised in Proverbs 3:5 when we trust? How does this trust develop and grow according to verses 1-3?
5. What steps can you take in order to ‘acknowledge Him in all your ways’ this week?